Expert Opinion on Growing Cyber Threat: Delving Deep into Microsoft President’s Speech
During delivering the keynote speech at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) 2021, Brad Smith, who happens to be the president of Microsoft, categorically cautioned regarding the hike in the rates of the latest cyber threats. Cyber threats are a direct threat to society as in today’s world, technology undoubtedly plays the most significant role. Smith, in his speech, further bolstered the strong correlation between the two and highlighted the reasons behind actively attempting to curb the cyber threats.
Is Cyber Threat Problem Increasing?
Not only did he meticulously outline the potentially gigantic benefits advancements with regard to technologies (taking cognizance of areas such as sustainability), the everyday record of cyber threats coming in the way is turning out to be increasingly concerning. As per popular documentation, he remarked, “As computers create all this promise, there are new perils arising as well,” thus providing a deeper insight into the problem existent. To counter this, other than elaborately discussing the factors leading to cybersecurity threats, he also spoke about how to prevent cybersecurity threats. In this article, we will delve more into how we can ensure a curbed amount of cyber threats.
With regard to discussing how to prevent cybersecurity threats, Smith also largely referred to the time cybersecurity as a concept surfaced at a governmental level for the first time. A quick looking back and would tell us that in the year 1983, the then US President Ronald Regan happened to watch WarGames. Wargames narrated the tale of a hacker, which eventually escalated to his real-life concerns about the same sort of cyber threat. This is how the first-ever ‘national security computer directive’ came into existence.
We know that desperate times call for desperate measures, and cyber threat merits quick, proactive approaches to go away, permanently. Thus, as Smith speaks “It’s a powerful reminder that we constantly need to keep learning, we constantly need to keep imagining what comes next.” It is essential, as per popular understanding, that we check the types of cyber threats to have a safer and secure future.
After being hit by the pandemic COVID-19, the previous year has had to come face to face with huge dangers related to cyber-attacks. Among the latest cyberattacks, we would particularly want to cite the example of the SolarWinds attacks that took place as the year was nearing its end. As per popular belief, this attack was organized by a Russian actor. This particular incident, as Smith calls it, is a “game-changer”, and requires immediate action to be in check. He, in his keynote address concerning cyber threats further elaborated “This wasn’t a case of one nation simply trying to spy on or hack its way into a computer network of another. It was a mass, indiscriminate assault on the technology supply chain that all of us are responsible for protecting”.
What can be done to Prevent Cyber Threats?
As you are being able to understand already, it is extremely essential that precise international rules, as well as norms, are put forward by the security committee. This set of instructions should talk about the dos and don’ts with regard to the cybersphere. As one can understand Smith’s views, he firmly believes that it is the cybersecurity industry, which should work really hard towards the development of these rules that will ensure a substantial drop in the realm of cyber threats.
Smith likewise also said that after the SolarWinds episode features, everybody needs to cooperate substantially, and more intently, going ahead to distinguish dangers, for example, particularly in the region of information sharing. Concerning how to prevent cyber threats he said “powerful reminder that threat intelligence and data, about cyber-attacks, really exists in so many silos today,” moreover, it is “clear that the only way to protect the future is to understand the threats of the present and that requires us to share data in new ways.” While talking about preventing the latest cyber threats, Smith also proceeded to the caution of the perils of moving excessively diverted with Artificial Intelligence (AI) innovation, surrendering the central control of PCs that was repeatedly highlighted in the theme of WarGames. While AI can convey extraordinary things, “we need to consider the new guardrails we need to make so humankind stays in charge of our innovation.” To ensure more cyber security, he also recommended models incorporate facial acknowledgment innovation and AI instruments that are capable to offer comfort to individuals, yet also provide extreme safety.
As we conclude, we would like to revisit the conclusion of Smith’s keynote speech concerning cyber threats, and how to prevent cyber threats. Like him, we to believe that with the correct measures taken and no effort denied, we can sure head towards a cyber threat-free technological life following certain easy steps that can promise cyber security. However, before we do the same, active interruption from the cyber security cells would be welcome.